About Ani –
Ani lives in Tucson, Arizona with her husband and daughter. In 2003 a desire to share Christ with youth eventually led her to volunteer and work with a para-church ministry for over a decade. In 2020 Ani launched her own ministry to continue to use her gifts as a full participant in God’s mission of restoration. Her goal is, “To create a space for people to gather as a group at the feet of Jesus.” In May she graduated from Calvin Seminary with a Masters degree in Missional Theology through a cohort at Missional Training Center in Phoenix, AZ. Ani continues to write and speak, while always making time to connect with people one on one.
Compelled from her own discovery of freedom through a relationship with Christ, Ani encourages and empowers women, and pretty much everyone she encounters, to live truly free! Since each and every person is unique, all with different gifts and talents, all beloved and created in the image of God, Ani’s desire for all is to, “Live out of who God says that you are!”
It has never been Ani’s plan to operate “on her own,” but rather alongside others. She has gathered a diverse board of thoughtful, pragmatic, and gifted people WHO have come together to assist her as she develops a spiritual vision and direction for the ministry.
A 14th century poem by the Persian poet “Hafiz,” inspired Ani to adopt the title “Dropping Keys Ministries.”
The small man
Builds cages for everyone
He Knows.
While the sage,
Who has to duck his head
When the moon is low,
Keeps dropping keys all night long
For the
Ani’s mission is to drop keys of freedom to “beautiful rowdy prisoners,” whenever and wherever she finds them.
See Ani’s Upcoming Speaking Engagements –
Delivering the message of freedom with voice.
Delivering the message of freedom with pen.
Delivering the message of freedom with people.
Contact Ani –
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